Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Great Southern Land

First blog on blogger. I think I used this thing years ago but soon bored of it. Lately all of my insane ramblings have appeared on My Space under one of my pseudonyms. But it's occured to me that even my My Space persona has become a charicature, writings directed towards the expectations of my friends and readers. Maybe that's what studying Journalism in College taught me- know your target audience.

But as I am finally finding happiness and contentment in my world, it's confused my public. People see me how they want to see me. They love me or hate me. But seemingly me and my life has somehow intrigued people. You Should Write A Book! How many times have I heard that? Too many. Maybe. Someday.

It's occured to me that I've matured, but some people just aren't quite ready for me to grow up just yet. For me to change. Maybe people have been living vicariously through my misadventures for the past 4 years. I'm not sure.

So it's time for a change. New simpler site to express my beliefs on. Reflective of all of the wonderful changes coming up in my world in the near future. I've never been more thankful to God for leading me to my current path. I finally understand why I was challenged so much over the years, and why I've now been given so much strength and independence.

Within a matter of days I'll be married to my wonderful U.S. Marine. Again, this has come as a shock to some, but been met with support by others. Is 5 months a short engagement? Possibly. But this is what he wants, this is what I want. And more than anything else, we want each other. He was there for me in my time of need, he listens to me when others don't, and always tries his darndest to ensure my happiness. Who could ask for anything more?

I've traveled the world- Malaysia, Iceland, Croatia, Turkey, Japan, you name it, I've probably been there at some stage. I've lived my life. I've made both good and bad decisions along the way, there's no denying that. And my existance has definitely been a roller coaster of paramount proportions! But it's time for me to settle down. It's time for me to dedicate my life to someone. To stop being selfish. To stop living so recklessly.

"Behave, Baby, Behave" my Fiancé often tells me. I've always taken care of myself in the past, because nobody else has been there for me. Finally someone is.

And I couldn't be more content.


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