Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Come Rain Or Come Shine

Serves me right for thinking negatively yesterday I suppose... DH's leave has been pushed back again. Yup. 5th time. They have to do something out at the Rifle Range so he can't come til 05/10 now. Oh my goodness :(

So, yesterday I had the first part of my medical for my new visa. Honestly I've never met such an incompetent Doctor! It was crazy, I was telling him what to check for, even though his surgery was in the directory for places approved to get full immigration medicals! Then, when I thought we were done for the day (it's separated into 2 appointments) I was out at the reception desk preparing to pay and the nurse asked me if the Doctor had given me a skin-test for Tuburculosis. Uh, no? So she had to grab the Doctor and sit me down in another room so he could do that. Insane! Now I'm just hoping like crazy that he's not really as incomptent as he seemed, and hopefully doesn't label my blood tests/skin samples etc wrong!

He wasn't even friendly which made the whole situation even more awkward. Honestly though, since moving to America, no offence, but I think I've only ever met 1 doctor that I've actually liked- my OB-GYN. She's a sweetheart. Thankfully I've never had much cause to visit doctors over here, but the experiences overall haven't been positive ones. What's up with that?

And I thought the state of health affairs in Australia were bad.

Ah well, what can ya do?

//end vent now. Like I said, thankfully I never have much cause to see doctors!

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