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Check this out!'t this give away just gorgeous? Not long left to enter, though!
So, I finally managed to serve DH something for dinner that he actually complimented me on. To be truthful, he never really compliments food in general. But I was honestly starting to wonder if I could ever please him when it came to dinners.
I know that there really isn't anything wrong with my cooking, because other people love my cooking. DH however is eternally unimpressed.
However, Kung Pao Chicken- (thanks to a packet mix because I was being lazy) my husband said he liked. Wow. So anyhow despite the lack of effort required in packet mix Kung Pao Chicken I'm more than thrilled.
Anyhow I'm out of here. I swear all day all I've done is sleep, clean the kitchen, sleep, cook and clean the kitchen, and chill out on the couch and watch Dukes of Hazzard with DH. I feel lazy. Laundry needs to be done, and I also need to clean DH's gear from the field tomorrow. Ugh that's such a big messy job I'm not looking forward to that one! Oh well, no avoiding it!
Hope ya'll having a good weekend :)
I'm back everyone!
So sorry about the unexpected hiatus- I guess it was a mixture of being not sure what to write about, being uninspired, or just being busy! Since I last posted a fair bit has happened.
In July, DH left to go to California for his pre-deployment training. Then for 2 weeks I got to catch up with my mother, who came to the United States to speak at a convention at Arizona State University, then she went to New York City (lucky thing!) to catch up with friends, then finally to North Carolina to catch up with me :) My mother and I spent time in Raleigh, Asheville, then back to Jacksonville so I could show her where I lived, etc.
Surprisingly enough, my mother actually accepted Jacksonville as a reasonable place to live- after all it has everything and isn't far from spectacular beaches at places like Emerald Isle! It isn't so bad here after all :) She also liked my house, and thankfully was complimentary on my housekeeping skills! (that's a first!)
After she left, there has been a series of unfortunate events, which I vented about/seeked advice on, in the PH forums. DH got back last night though and he is going to ensure that everything is sorted out. I'll be honest, DH and I were going through a bit of a rough patch for a while, but I think he's just been stressed about everything going on, and his deployment. All is forgiven and forgotten.
I transferred over the last of the money I had left in Australia, and paid off DH's personal loan, and one of his credit cards to take a bit of pressure off us and keep the debt collectors at bay! He's happy about that, and after a brief discussion agreed to let me hide that particular credit card so that it can't be used except in a mutually agreed upon emergency!
You know I really don't know what I'm going to do while he's in Iraq for so long- by then, everyone will have moved out of the house, and I think that somehow, being alone, even in this tiny house, will make it feel huge :( I really hope that I have my work visa by then because at least if I can throw myself into work, hopefully the days will pass by quicker and I can keep myself busy!
Also, while he's away- I've made a plan to lose 75 lbs over the course of 1 year. That's about 1.5 lbs every week. I know, I know, you're probably thinking I don't need to lose 75 lbs! But believe me, I do!
I think I've mentioned it before- but, almost everyone who looks at me underestimates how much I weigh. One of my good friends back in St. Louis laughed at me when I told her, and said I was "crazy". Nope, I'm not crazy. I'm just heavy! I've gained so much weight since I moved to America 2 years ago! It's gone straight to my hips, tummy, and thighs! I feel like a bloated hippopotamus!
I even had a slight argument with the lady who issued my military spouse ID back in April. She laughed too, when I told her, and she's like "no way! I say you weigh xxx-amount" and put that instead! Maybe I just carry my weight well, or dress to hide my weight well, I'm not sure. Either way though, I'm disgusted when I look in the mirror. And I know that my current weight is far from healthy.
When I first moved here I went to Curves for a month to try and burn off some weight, but, we couldn't afford the monthly fee for me to continue to go so after my 1 month trial I cancelled.
I think it will be easier for me to lose weight though, once I've got the house to myself, and I'm not cooking for 4 or more adults every night. I can actually focus on what I should be eating for my health, not what I know will please everybody else!
We live on far too many carbohydrates, far too much meat, and far too many fats!
Admittedly I formed a lot of bad culinary habits when I lived by myself in St. Louis, I was working anywhere between 60-75 hours per week, often for up to a month straight without any days off. When I got home I was entirely exhausted, and instead of cooking a nutritious meal for myself, I'd just shove something in the Microwave and pig out on convenient snack food, or just get a fast food take out if I hadn't had time to do the grocery shopping.
Then to make matters worse, while I was at work, to get energy when working the frequent double shifts, I'd eat. Remember, I worked at a Hotel, and I'll be honest with you- everybody 'stole' food from the kitchen throughout the night. Whether it be leftover cookies that had been baked and not sold in room service, haagen daaz icecream from the deep freeze, whatever it was- the night crew always pigged out.
My over eating too, was probably a result of the depression I was diagnosed with early this year. I just hated my job, and my life, and myself so much!
I'm seriously much more content with my life now, and even though 99% of the time all of our meals are home cooked, I always dish myself out portions which are far too big, and I always cook comfort foods! Tater Tot Casserole, Fried Chicken, Crock Pot Potatoes, Spaghetti Bolognaise & Garlic Bread! It's far from being healthy, even if it's always a hearty meal!
So I'm proposing that I get rid of any notions I have of dieting. Because for me, every time I've tried to diet, I can't stick to it! My new diet is going to be a plan of my own creation, and I'll let you all in on it once I've worked out the finer details :)
While DH is in Iraq, this blog is going to be a mix of venting about his deployment, my probably non-existant life while he's deployed, and most importantly my weight loss journey. DH is deploying in September so the plan starts then!
Again, sorry about the unannounced hiatus, I hope you're all doing well :)